Dr Woods skill is ranked as the #1 hair transplant doctor in Australia based on successful patient results since 1997.


The FUE method was invented after Dr. Woods saw firsthand the horrific results of hair transplant surgery and vowed to do no harm. Previous surgeons either left patients with scarred donor areas, obvious plugs or performed strip surgeries that severely damaged patients and did not produce proper results.

Dr Woods decided that individual 0.5mm-1mm grafts must be removed via micro surgical techniques and proprioceptive skills and finely tuned micro surgical instrumentation – which was later named the FUE method and widely adopted by practitioners (poorly).

The Woods Technique - What is FUE?

Challenging Misconceptions To Protect Patients

The initial criticism by senior doctors claimed that transection rates would be so high as to render the approach futile because many grafts would be damaged, resulting in poor yield. Dr Woods disagreed and challenged the paradigm, spending many years of hard work, practice, development, understanding and perfecting the art of perceiving the angle and depth of each and every follicle.
High power magnification is essential, but there are stages where it is “blind” and “feel” alone guides you. Although this was a great achievement in itself, providing enough follicles to provide a cosmetic result was the next challenge and took many years to perfect.


In 1998, Dr Woods encountered patients who had horrific damage to the donor areas (back of head) and still had significant baldness, unsightly hair plugs and scarring on top of the head. There was nothing anyone could do, as they had no or insufficient donor hair to repair the damage.

Dr Woods was suddenly struck with the idea that in cases of absolute desperation and disfigurement, chest hair could be used to infill scars on the hairline and throughout the frontal / crown region. The idea was that although it would not be like “donor Hair”, if kept short, the scars could be concealed and camouflaged. This is now known as body hair transplant, or BHT, conceived, invented and perfected by Dr Woods in Sydney.

The invention of body hair transplant was revolutionary and beyond the belief of the international medical community. Despite not only developing a successful alternative outdated and destructive hair transplant methods, Dr Woods also created a new technique to repair scarring and donor hair destruction using micro skin grafting and BHT.

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Dr. Woods has achieved large numbers to give significant hair transplantation outcomes and the most natural and perfect results ever seen in the world. This technique avoids the horrific scarring and irreversible loss of follicles in the donor areas seen in “standard” surgeries.